Friday, July 27, 2012

Sorry, New York But It's A No Go

Well...after a great summer of hard training it looks like Sherrie and I will not be participating in the inaugural New York City Ironman U.S. Championship. We have had a great summer tracking around our swim star daughter and watching her progress and grow as a great competitive swimmer. Our sweating and training will still pay off in a fantastic Ironman Florida in November that we cannot wait for.

This reminds me of my favorite lines from a country song, "Wherever you go, there ya' are." Meaning whoever you are on the inside does not change despite a geographical location. If you are sad, angry, unhappy, in your hometown you would really be the same in Hawaii. So on game day we will be training hot and hard in Tallahassee but we will still be happy, grateful people. We know we are crazy blessed to have our health, each other, great family, an awesome coach, and very cool friends. To be incredibly honest, I am sure we will click on the webcast and have a little wishiness to be doing an Ironman in the Big Apple.

But to also be honest, I know us well and we truly try to live out another one of my favorite sayings and that is, "Bloom where you are planted." So I guess we should apologize to New York City because they will not get to enjoy our sense of taking big joyful bites out of life.  But Tallahassee you will get to enjoy another beautiful week with the Peavys!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

How Do You Go 120 Miles On Your Bike?

Last year when we were training for Ironman Florida we were often given the long bike ride of 110-120 miles. We always chose the 120. When people would ask us (always in all caps), "WHY WOULD YOU CHOOSE TO GO ONE HUNDRED TWENTY MILES ON YOUR BIKE!!!!????"

The answer was always rather simple, "Well, we didn't really necessarily choose to go 120 miles. At 50 miles we felt great. At 55 miles we felt great. So why not go 60. Then you have to turn around. There is no wimp rope that will bring your house or your car any closer so you have to get back to where you started."

At mile 60 it sounded like a fine idea. At mile 70 it still seemed like a good idea. At mile 80 it was beginning to sound like just an OK idea. At mile 90 it probably did not seem like the brightest idea. At mile 100 it seemed like a bad idea and at mile 110 it sounded pretty stupid.

When we got back and completed the whole 120 miles were we glad we did it? No, not right away. Maybe not even the next day. By the time Ironman Florida rolled around we were very glad we had done it. We felt very well prepared for our 112 mile bike portion of the race.

This is much the same way I view life goals. As my friend and trainer extaordinaire Steve Pfister ( likes to say, "Keep It Stupid Simple!"

1. Start.
1.A. Start Right Now!
1.B. Are You Kidding Me? START!!!

2. Get After It Like A Dog Digging Out A Buried Alabama Barbecue Restaurant!

3. Get Halfway.

4. Your Halfway, You Might As Well Finish!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Perfect Triathlon Car

We have debated the cost effectiveness of driving to the Ironman U.S. Championship in New York City. The added benefit would be being able to carry all our nutrition, sports drinks and tri-gear. Here is what I think we would like with all our tri-junk driving through The Big Apple:

Yep this would be my look of incredible awe as I look at them big ol' buildin's. "Whee doggies!"

So that we are clear, I have the brains of Jethro and Sherrie has the looks and strength of Ellie May. Remember Ellie May would always win when Jethro and Ellie May would "tussle." (Please forget that Ellie May and Jethro were cousins, because that just makes this weird.) While both of our parents have the spunk and fiestiness of Granny and Uncle Jed I'm not going to say they look like them. So let's just say those two people are just two random people we picked up in Georgia to guard our fine ride.

This is us returning from our shopping trip with our pre-race meal. You will also notice that our wonderful 15 year-old swim star daughter, Lobo, is not represented here. Trust me, if we had this car she would be about 2,000 miles away.

...and 2:30 am race morning leaving the hotel with the movin' stairs headed to get our Ironman on!